Как альтернативная энергетика поможет с глобальным потеплением?

How can alternative energy help with global warming?

At the end of 2015, a regular UN conference was held in the French capital, within the framework of which a long-term strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions was determined. The main goal is to keep the level of warming on the planet within 1.5-2 degrees Celsius.

Reasons and consequences of global warming


Global warming – is rising of the middle temperature throughout the planet. Changes have been documenting since end of 19-th century. Only in last 100 years common temperature over the oceans and land increased on 0.8 degree. According to the scientists forecast in 21-st century temperature may increase by 2 degrees, as to pessimistic prognosis, this growth may constitute 4 degrees..

Even slightly air temperature growth, brings to irretraceable consequences. Warming has been reason for:

  1.Magnification of global level of world ocean on 14 centimeters.

  2.Reduce of cold days quantity per year.

  3.Growth of storms and hurricanes quantity.

During the research arranged by the scientist of Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research was established, that main reason of global warming is increasing of carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere. This fact confirmed and other national and international organizations.

In the nature goes on eternal circuit and any ecological violations in one country, brings to cataclysms the other regions. Set the borders for ocean flows and polluted air is impossible, so each country is responsible for condition of the planet.


What is waiting for us in the near future?

          As scientists say, further increase of temperature is going to increase negative process:

Increasing of world ocean leads to flooding of many regions and populated points.

Rising of duration and rains power will contribute to huge quantity of floods. It easy to realize, that in other regions great dryness will become normal.

Changing of the climate puts in hard position of agriculture culture manufacturers. In account of potential population increase, probability of lack food resource is becoming even higher.

Many animals are going to be forced to migrate, looking for better place for living. Endangered species may even disappear.

Even now the hurricanes like ”Irma” and “Harvy” take thousands of lives and destroy hundreds houses. About to 90 percent of economic loss happens owing floods, hurricanes and drought. Bad ecology and abnormal heat becomes the reason of cancer disease rising, allergy and appearance of new virus stains.


Green energetics as chance to safe world

Humanity know alternative sources of energy, which can be used like oil, coal or gas. Green energetics may develop ecologic situation and at least reduce steps of global warming. First of all it is necessary to reduce greenhouse gas emission, set modern systems of air purification on industrial companies, without looking at country`s economic development.


Refuse of traditional fuel and popularization of revisable sources – is reality. Share of electro car market growth each year. In return humanity receive new workplaces, saving biosphere, pure air and health development.

Interesting decision in war with global warming offered “Heptapolis Green Energy Solution” (http://www.heptapolisenergy.com/). Firstly, company made innovational technologies in the sphere of energy efficiency and green energetics:

Autonomous lighting system, which takes the only energy of sun.

Autonomous climate system, which allows to save more than 85 percent electric energy. Due to absence of compression and vertical construction.

Autonomous electro generator, which do not require using any kind of fossil oil.

Second important innovation from “Heptapolis” project founders is not traditional investing.

The sum of the initial investing is only 100 euro


The business idea of ​​Heptapolis is to create a single ecosystem protected by blockchain technology. All investors will receive a certain number of tokens that will correspond to the amount of their investments. The tokens, in their turn, will be supported by real production facilities and products. Participants in the Heptapolis Humanitarian Energy Coin project (http://heptapolis.io/) are confident that their development will not only improve the ecological situation on the planet, but will draw attention to the existing problem of all the inhabitants of the Earth.

Global warming is a common problem that can be solved only together. To stop the increase in temperature is to give a chance to all of humanity to survive. The main tasks that people will face in the near future:

Providing citizens and companies discounts and tax incentives for the installation of alternative energy sources.

Setting principles and imposing taxes on greenhouse gas emissions.

Development and investment in energy-saving technologies.

Increasing the share of green energy.

Encouragement the usage of electric vehicles.

Conduct educational activities that promote respect for our planet and to the existing resources.

Переход на зеленую энергетику – это наше будущее.

Yashil Kelajak

Let's present a green future to Uzbekistan!

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